The chief administrator of Tigray Regional State Abay Weldu on the 121st anniversary of Adwa said Adwa victory was not only Ethiopian victory, but also African victory.He also said it was the victory that gave fellow Africans the hope of freedom and independence.”Ethiopia is working to inscribe Adwa in UNESCO as world heritage site”, he added.Bitew Belay, Adwa Pan African University committee coordinator for his part said Adwa Pan- African University which is to be established in Adwa will be the University of all Africans and it will enhance the unity of Africans.Lij Daniel Jote, President of the Association of Ethiopian Patriots said Adwa victory was a victory in which Ethiopians defeated well- equipped Italian army with traditional tools.Demeke Mekonnen, Deputy Prime Minister said Ethiopians are repeating the Adwa victory against poverty.Dr Hirut Woldemariam, Ethiopian Minister of Culture and Tourism said Ethiopian troops are repeating Adwa victory in ensuring lasting peace in Ethiopia, as well as in Africa.Former South African President Thabo Mbeki, Ethiopian senior government officials and invited guests have attended the event.